Saturday, 3 October 2009


After leaving Dar we had an easy driving day(or I think everyone is getting more used to the 5am starts). After driving through Mikuni National Park where we saw plenty of giraffes, antelopes and elephants we stayed at Old Farm House Camp near Iringa. We arrived about 7pm after a 13 hour driving day but all our truck was excited and happy to be traveling again after the stop over in Zanzibar. The camp had no power so the showers were wood fired. The bar was in a little hut and made the best hot chocolate with Amurula.

The next morning we left at 5am again as we needed to get to the border early, in the end it though we had no trouble with our passports but there was a blockade at the border with trucks and wood piles. Eventually our driver managed to convince the drivers to move off the bridge so that we could get through, after entering Malawi we counted two hundred big rig trucks waiting to get into Tanzinia from Malawi - am very thankful that we got through or we would still be there.

We then spent two nights at Chitemba Beach Camp which is right on Lake Malawi. Lake Malawi is a massive lake - so big that you can't see the other side and the waves are always crashing onto the beach. We spent the days relaxing and catching up on washing. I went on a visit walk and we went to a school and health clinic that both were in need of funding. We also visited a witch doctor and he said that I'd get married soon, have three children(two girls and a boy) and that I was happy in my job! So there you go lets see how right he is.

For the last two nights(and tonight) we have being staying at Kande Beach. The drive here was very windey and hilly. We stopped half way at a market for us to buy outfits for each other to dress up in. Last night we had a big night that started off with outfits being given out and then a punch bowl being drunk and then dinner was a pig on a spit roast. There were some very funny outfits that were worn by everyone - can't wait to put the photos up when I get back.

So tomorrow we head off again, where I do not know but will keep you undated next time I'm at a internet place. Hope all is well.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having a great time and lots of fun. Glad I not having to get up early each morning!!! We had fresh snow on Friday night and woke up with everything white. We were warm though we stayed at Blanket Bay it was great!! Not so good for the ones out fishing for the competition.Looking forward to your next blog, and wandering if you have met your husband to be yet haha. Love from Mum and Dad
